Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bread Gulab Jamuns

Divu's on a cooking spree these days, and yesterday, she thought of trying the Bread Gulab Jamuns that her granny used to make. Here's the recipe:


* White bread - around 10 slices
* Milk
* Sugar - 2 bowls
* Raisins
* Vegetable Oil


Remove the sides of the bread slices and crush the white part. Mix milk with bread and prepare a dough. Make sure that the dough is neither too hard nor too soft. So, add just the right quantity of milk.

Grease your hands with oil and make small-sized balls using the dough. Put some raisins inside each jamun. Keep the size of the jamuns small to avoid the taste of raw bread. Heat enough oil in a pan and deep-fry the jamuns till they turn golden-brown. Simultaneously, prepare the sugar syrup by boiling sugar and water till the solution becomes dense. Make sure that the syrup is free-flowing.

Soak the jamuns in the syrup for an hour or so. Warm the gulab jamuns before you serve them.

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